Our Works

Braj Dham Manav Seva Ashram

Women Empowerment

In our society women are so oppressed. Especially in many villages girl children are not allowed to go to school and to do something on their own. But to stop this unfair propaganda  Braj Dham Manav Seva Ashram is promoting women’s empowerment by helping them to study and be self-independent. As well as we look after their health and make sure to give them every type of security.

Literacy Mission

In many rural and village areas children are not lightened by education yet. They don’t get proper support from their parents. For living life, they need to work. In this situation, they don’t think education is something important. Braj Dham Manav Seva Ashram gives them free education. We organize classes for children. Teachers take classes. Our NGO provides the required equipment. We maintain schools in villages and notice the condition of the education system too. Many times it happens that parents don’t allow their children to study because they will stop earning money for now. In that case, our members talk to the parents about letting their children study. This is how we think we can educate our whole society.

Oldage Home

Older generation is being neglected by their own day by day. That is very lamentable. A person needs more care and love when he is in his elder time. Even there are many old people who do not have a place to stay. They die on a road. and no sight can be more heartbreaking than this. So, Braj Dham Manav Seva Ashram wants to take care of the old people. To give them a pleasant life we have been working since we were established. We are going to build a home full of happiness for the old people who are being neglected by their families or society. Our team will provide them with free medical checkups weekly. Cultural programs will be held so that they can live there without boredom. We will make sure to give them a happy time in their whole life.